Keywords: standardization, accounting, management reporting, management report, international financial reporting standards


The relevance of the research topic is explained by the presence of significant differences in national and international accounting standards. Such differences create several problems in the course of conducting international trade and other types of international activity, which, among other things, harm the European integration processes in Ukraine. The purpose of the work is to analyze the problems and the need for accounting standardization and the impact of standardization on management accounting by conducting a comparative analysis. The research methodology involves the use of the formal legal method, the method of comparative analysis, as well as the methods of analysis and synthesis. The work substantiated the feasibility of accounting standardization, which consists of bringing national and international accounting standards into line to minimize inconsistencies that complicate international activities. It is noted how differences in national and international accounting standards affect the effectiveness of international relations, in particular, differences in the division of enterprises into small, medium, and large. The problems that arise in the process of accounting standardization are revealed, which are related to the imperfect methodology of implementing standardization and the regulation of this process. The key differences between national standards and IAS are emphasized, which should be settled by adapting the regulatory framework. The differences between management accounting in Ukraine and the world are described, which consist, first of all, of the leading role of management accounting in the countries of the world, which is not typical for Ukraine, where the main attention is paid to financial accounting. The introduction of such a document as a management report containing both financial and non-financial information was noted. A comparative analysis of the structure of the management report was carried out according to the recommendations contained in the Methodological recommendations for the preparation of the management report No. 982, Instruction No. 373 of the National Bank of Ukraine and IFRS Practical Report 1, based on which it was found that the structure is more concise according to international standards, and if necessary can be supplemented with the necessary information given the arbitrary approach to its compilation. The practical value of the study lies in revealing the possibilities of adapting management reporting to international requirements, taking into account national characteristics.


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How to Cite
Muzychenko, A., Skrypnyk, S., & МeliankovaL. (2024). ACCOUNTING STANDARDIZATION: IMPACT ON MANAGEMENT REPORTING AND BENCHMARKING. Economy and Society, (59).