Keywords: Digital economy, digitalization, war, martial law, digital technologies, digital tools


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of development of Ukraine's digital economy in the context of modern challenges caused by the war. The indicators that determine the level of development of digital technologies in Ukraine and the dynamics of IT exports are analyzed. It is emphasized that digitalization processes are important for the restoration and development of the national economy, increasing the level of competitiveness of the country, ensuring the transition from material to information resources, reducing production costs, creating the latest developments and bringing them to the world market. The author proves the role and importance of digital technologies in providing innovations to the military and defense sector, business, the domestic labor market, the population, etc. Digital projects and platforms used in Ukraine for registration or liquidation of business entities and other forms of business interaction with government agencies, recording the facts of destruction of citizens' housing, re-registration of vehicles online, acquiring or improving digital skills, changing professions and finding a job, monitoring air threats, combating cyber threats and corruption, etc. are investigated. The author characterizes digital platforms and projects aimed at digitalizing Ukraine's economy that were developed and implemented under martial law. The author analyzes key regional projects in the field of digital transformation of Ukraine during martial law, which have different sources of funding. The importance of further development of the digital economy not only during the war, but also to overcome its consequences in the period of post-war recovery is determined. It is noted that today not only technological developments for the military-industrial and defense sectors are becoming particularly relevant, but also activities to further digitize public services and fully provide the population with access to the Internet based on modern communication technologies. Becauseof the temporary occupation of part of Ukraine's territory, the problems of access to digital services for the population living there remain relevant.


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How to Cite
Pichkurova, Z. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE’S DIGITAL ECONOMY UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Economy and Society, (58).