Keywords: credit market, innovations, remote servicing, BankID system, cloud services, artificial intelligence, р2р-crediting


The credit market of Ukraine is at the stage of development and implementation of innovative products in its activities. Subject to the innovative development, Ukrainian credit institutions have the opportunity to increase the level of competitiveness in the credit market, improve the quality and speed of their provision, which will only have a positive impact on the quality of providing credit services to business entities. The latest technologies create new opportunities that gradually transform the work of credit institutions; they require changes in the technological process of issuing loans and a revision of the existing business model of their functioning. The purpose of the article is to study and analyse the main trends in the development of digital innovations in the credit market of Ukraine, which is necessary for timely, rapid adaptation of credit institutions to changes in the credit sector, improvement of outdates credit services, introduction of more efficient lending processes. In the article, the main trends of the development of innovations in the credit market are studied. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the latest technologies that credit institutions are gradually introducing into their activities today. Among the main latest digital technologies in lending, the following are identified: remote servicing, BankID identification system, using of cloud services, introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning, peer-to-peer lending. The level of each technology implementation by credit institutions in their activities is also analysed. The analysis of the main trends in the innovative development of the credit market has become important for understanding modern processes of digital transformation of banking and non-banking credit institutions; search for ways to improve the activities of credit institutions, using the potential of modern digital innovations in this area; improving the competitiveness of these institutions in the market based on their active use of information and communication technologies; ensuring the growth of consumer satisfaction with credit services, searching for new ways to improve the operational efficiency of commercial banks and other credit institutions.


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How to Cite
ChуіpeshN., & Potseluiko, I. (2023). TENDENCIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIONS IN THE CREDIT MARKET OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-78