The article examinesthemodels for managing information flows of logistic business processes at the enterprise. It is proved that scientifically based logistics is equally important both in the civilian sector of production and at the front in the process of providing the Armed Forces with the necessary ammunition, transport and other means of armed struggle in a timely manner. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the application of logistics methods in the course of managing information flows at enterprises allows not only to improve the level of service to end consumers, but also to minimize the total costs of production, which are extremely important in the modern business conditions of domestic companies. It is noted that an important feature of the integrated supply chain is its "end-to-end" perspective: product design → procurement of raw materials → planning → production → final delivery of the finished product to the customer and further after-sales customer service and reverse logistics depending on the nature of the business. Various aspects and dimensions of modeling are considered and its potential for improving decision-making strategies and optimizing resource use is analyzed. The theoretical foundations of economic-mathematical modeling and its key dimensions, such as forecasting, risk analysis and resource optimization, are determined. Approaches to the practical application of economic modelsare proposedto increase the business processes' efficiency. Contemporary challenges and prospects regarding the implementation of economic and mathematical models in the modern business environment are considered, taking into account the specifics of scientific and technical progress and the significant growth of data flows that are subject to analytical processing. Recommendations on the optimal use of economic and mathematical modeling are offered to achieve competitive advantages and sustainable development of enterprises. Itis proven the importance of the integration of economic and mathematical models in strategic management to ensure the successful achievement of the development goals of the economic entity.
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