Keywords: forest industry, forestry, forest industry enterprises, enterprise management, rational forest use, forest industry development, management mechanism, innovations


This article examines the problems and possibilities of optimizing the management system of production and economic activities at the enterprises of the forest industry of Ukraine. Forests of Ukraine play a key role in ensuring sustainable ecological and economic development of the country. In order to effectively use forest resources and ensure the economic security of enterprises, it is necessary to constantly develop and improve the management system of production and economic activities of the enterprises of the industry. The forestry sector of Ukraine is define as an important element of the country's ecosystem and economy and requires systematic and innovative approaches to optimize the management of production and economic activities. Modern trends in the forestry sector in Ukraine require not only an increase in production volumes, but also the development of sustainable and ecologically effective management strategies. In the context of the study, it is important to note that the forest industry of Ukraine faces a number of urgent challenges, such as climate change, the growing need for forest resources, as well as deepening global economic and environmental challenges. These aspects determine the need to find and implement optimal solutions in the management of forest resources and the production and economic activities of enterprises in this field. Investigating the problems and possibilities of optimization of the management system, the article examines the issue of increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the forest sector through the introduction of modern methods and technologies. Emphasis placed on the need to balance economic and environmental aspects of management, as well as ensuring the economic security of enterprises, which is a key component of the country's sustainable development. Specifically, in the context of Ukraine, which has a rich forest potential, it is important to develop and implement strategies aimed at preserving forest biodiversity, optimizing production processes, and interacting with stakeholders. In this context, the article aims to systematically analyze and improve management practices aimed at achieving a balance between social, economic and environmental goals in the forest sector. The research presented in the article highlights the relevance and importance of continuous development and implementation of effective management strategies to ensure the sustainability of the forest industry of Ukraine in the conditions of the modern world.


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How to Cite
Portna, O. (2023). OPTIMIZATION OF THE PRODUCTION AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF FOREST INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-60