The research aims to study how modern technological innovations can transform higher education, turning it from a traditional academic center into a unique educational-scientific-innovative complex. This complex should combine education, science and innovation, creating the necessary infrastructure and promoting close interaction between different areas. The main focus of the study is the consideration of proposals for improving the digitalization of education in Ukraine. The need to create favorable conditions for the development of business related to digitalization and the training of personnel for the digital economy is emphasized. In the context of considering universities as knowledge corporations, the article presents improved methods of activation of innovative activity using the resources of digital platforms. Internal methods of activation are considered, which include interaction with programs of infrastructure centers and platforms of national technological initiatives. Particular attention is paid to the processes of resource virtualization and uberization in educational and management processes, in particular the importance of these concepts for e-libraries. The authors draw attention to the need to update the IT infrastructure and ensure accessibility to digital resources. The article also emphasizes the role of artificial intelligence in the educational process, in particular, its impact on teachers and the teaching process. The costs and benefits of the use of AI are considered, including the development of new educational information publications, the possibility of conducting tests in the online mode and participation in scientific competitions. The study also examines a knowledge management approach that includes strategies for collecting and updating learning materials, co-creating and sharing them. The importance of interaction between innovative actions and educational activities of universities for effective digitalization of the economy and education is emphasized.
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