Keywords: corporate security, cyber security, cyber defense, cyber threat, cyber attack, enterprise


The article reveals the key aspects of corporate security at Ukrainian enterprises in the context of war. Classifications of external and internal threats are formulated and improved. Particular attention is paid to external threats of a complex nature. The problems of the impact of cyberattacks on corporate security at Ukrainian enterprises are studied. Cyberattacks are considered a key element of the external threat in the context of war from the standpoint of ensuring internal financial and economic stability, as well as national security in general. Since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, the intensity and complexity of cyber attacks on corporate systems and networks have increased significantly. Unauthorized attacks are aimed at stealing confidential information, embezzling financial resources, or disrupting the normal functioning of enterprises. Methods of preventing and avoiding financial losses or blocking of resources as a result of cyber attacks are proposed. Therefore, the issues discussed in this paper are relevant. In particular, the article examines the impact of cyberattacks on corporate security at Ukrainian enterprises, which are considered a key element of the external threat in the context of war from the standpoint of ensuring domestic financial and economic stability, as well as national security in general. The research has led to conclusions about the significant impact of cyberattacks on Ukrainian businesses and state-owned enterprises during the full-scale war, which were subjected to massive cyberattacks, and their number has increased significantly compared to the pre-war period. According to statistical data, along with the use of various vulnerabilities, one of the most popular methods of unauthorized penetration is phishing, which can be either a separate technology or a component of a larger-scale attack to get into a particular information and communication system. It is found that in Ukraine, not all administrators of such systems still update the software promptly and use licensed software. Several cybersecurity measures for government agencies and private businesses are proposed since this task remains strategically important. It is determined that cybersecurity is trust within the framework of interaction between the State and business, and Ukraine's cyber resilience significantly depends on the business's resilience to threats. Therefore, it is necessary to protect public authorities by protecting businesses from cyberattacks and vice versa.


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How to Cite
Davydenko, Y. (2023). CORPORATE SECURITY AT UKRAINIAN ENTERPRISES IN TIME OF WAR. Economy and Society, (58).