• Dmytro Filiuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
Keywords: inclusive development, rural areas, principles of inclusive development, rural population, socio-economic development


The article examines the theoretical and methodical principles of inclusive development of rural areas of Ukraine. The current state of rural development was analyzed and the main challenges faced by rural communities were identified. In the context of the concept of inclusive development, the necessity of taking into account the interests and needs of different social groups, as well as ensuring their equality in access to resources and opportunities, is explored. It was determined that theoretical approaches to the inclusive development of rural areas include the integration of social, economic and ecological spheres aimed at creating conditions for balanced and sustainable development of these areas. Methodological aspects of the implementation of an inclusive approach, such as the formation of effective mechanisms for public participation, infrastructure development and support for social innovations, are considered. The practical aspects of the application of inclusive principles in rural areas were studied using the example of specific initiatives and programs. The objective necessity of a systemic approach to ensuring the inclusive development of rural areas, which involves the effective interaction of authorities, the public and business to achieve sustainable socio-economic growth and improve the quality of life of the population in the long term, has been proved. It was determined that the inclusive development of rural areas in Ukraine requires systemic changes in policy and strategic planning. At the same time, an important aspect is the development and implementation of specific tools and mechanisms aimed at ensuring the participation of all layers of society in decision-making, resource allocation and the formation of effective development strategies. The need to improve the education system and develop qualification programs aimed at increasing the competitiveness and work potential of the rural population is highlighted. The factors that influence the provision of access to education and other social services for all population groups are analyzed. The key aspects of theoretical and methodological approaches to the inclusive development of rural areas of Ukraine were identified and specific directions for further research and implementation of effective strategies in practice were considered.


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