Import activity is important for the country's economy and provides access to a variety of goods and services, expanding their choice in the market and providing greater opportunities for consumers, developing competition, stimulating economic growth, leading to the exchange of technology and knowledge, which contributes to technical development, allowing the country to balance its production by specialising in areas where it has a competitive advantage while importing what is beneficial for the country. That is why it is very important to analyze import activity, as it is a tool for understanding the economic situation of the country and its foreign trade, and allows to ensure the volume and structure of imported goods, their sources of origin, and distribution across sectors of the economy. The article substantiates that analysis of import activity helps to assess the country's dependence on other markets, and competitiveness of domestic production, and also influences the formation of foreign economic policy and trade strategies. Knowledge of import trends is necessary for making informed decisions in the field of economy, investment, and regulation of international relations. Particular attention in the study is paid to the allocation of stages of analyzing import activity, their ordering, and the determination of the author's approach to analyzing import activity. In the course of the study, the author used scientific works on modern methodological approaches related to the analysis of import and foreign economic activity of the country in general. In the course of the analysis, a systematic approach, monographic abstract, and logical methods were used. The article reviews the scientific articles of Ukrainian scholars and identifies the main stages of analyzing Ukraine's import activities with a view to further optimising them and improving the efficiency of international trade exchange. In the context of each identified stage, attention is focused on how to analyze import activities. The paper provides practical recommendations that can serve as a basis for developing strategies for managing Ukraine's import activities, contributing to its successful integration into global economic processes.
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