Keywords: circular economy, circularity, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Community of Practice Society 5.0, linear economy model, renewable energy sources, sustainable development, 3R, 10R system, waste, recycling, resources


The article considers the key aspects of the circular economy concept as a response to modern problems of resource use and environmental challenges, aspects of the implementation of Industrie 5.0, Society 5.0. The authors examine the principles of the linear economy and the motives for the transition to a circular economy, emphasizing the need to consciously separate economic growth from the negative impact on the environment. The principles of the circular economy, the 3R model and the 10R model are analysed. The dynamics of changes in the circularity of the global economy for 2018-2023 are given. The article focuses on the consideration of the implementation of the basic principles of the circular economy in various areas. The authors present ways of introducing the circular economy into the agricultural sector to increase its efficiency and sustainability, the impact of circular approaches on the anthropogenic environment, in particular, by reducing waste and improving resource management. The article also considers the ways of implementing circular principles in transport, industrial production and the use of consumables, as an example, through the use of renewable energy sources and avoiding the production of excessive waste. There are given examples of solving problems with waste and ways of integrating enterprise waste into economic chains of production at enterprises in European countries and Ukraine. In the article it is discussed the European experience of using landfills, the peculiarities of the implementation of circular principles in Ukraine in the conditions of the war, and also in the post-war state. The article helps to understand the diversity of opportunities for the implementation of the circular economy in various industries, as well as to identify the advantages of these approaches for sustainable development and environmental sustainability. The role of the circular economy in achieving sustainable economic growth and the need for a conscious approach to changes in the use of resources for the well-being of current and future generations are highlighted. The conclusions of the article call for the implementation of this concept in various spheres of the economy in order to ensure sustainable and environmentally responsible development in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Artemov, V., Bakhchevan, E., & Bochko, O. (2023). CIRCULAR ECONOMY IS THE CHALLENGE OF TODAY. Economy and Society, (58).