Keywords: agricultural production, food security indicators, supply chains, food, crop production, consumer basket, animal production


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the current state of food production and consumption in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to identify the current peculiarities of food production and consumption in Ukraine during the military operations. The work is based on the analysis of recent scientific papers and up-to-date statistics from official sources, primarily the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. In addition, the main theoretical foundations of the work are the importance of food security indicators and their manifestations in the context of food production and consumption. The main research methods used are theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis and generalisation, and the method of statistical data analysis. In addition, the paper contains tables and diagrams to better present the statistical basis of the study. First, the current state of agricultural production is analysed in detail. First of all, we analyse the production of crops, examining both the production of certain types of crops and the overall dynamics. After that, the production of livestock products was analysed, the dynamics of production of certain types of products, as well as the overall dynamics for the period 2017-2022 were determined. The overall negative state of modern crop production was established and the main factors that determine it were identified. The next important part of the study was the analysis of the consumer basket. The composition of the consumer basket was studied, the composition of the consumer basket in 2000 and 2015 was compared. The changes in the cost of the consumer basket for the period 2019-2023 were determined and their negative nature was identified. Particular attention is paid to modern food consumption and the impact of supply chains. The dynamics of changes in food consumption in the period 2015-2020 is studied. Due to the lack of official data, it was not possible to establish the current state of consumption, and the negative nature of supply chains and their potential impact on consumption is identified. The results show the negative state of food security in Ukraine at the present stage.


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How to Cite
Kvasha, S., Pavlenko, O., & Vakulenko , V. (2023). CURRENT STATE OF FOOD PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (58).