Keywords: economic security, higher education, economy of knowledge, human capital, educational process, economic growth, threats, determining factor


The article examines the problems of education development from the point of view of its impact on economic progress and specifically on the economic security of the state. The role of the economy in the life of the country and society is characterized in detail. The main directions of multi-conceptual economic science, including world innovations, are presented. The problems of transformational development and the current economic situation in connection with the full-scale aggression of Russia are revealed. The basics of the theory of economic security, the security situation in Ukraine, and tasks for the future are explained. The need for reliable economic support for victory in the war with Russia is emphasized. Special emphasis is placed on the need to build a knowledge economy and the role of human capital in this. It is emphasized that the security of the state can be achieved only if society develops on the basis of knowledge as a resource that constantly grows in the process of its use. The need for the development of management science and the training of management personnel in the higher education system has been determined. The main factors affecting the competitiveness of higher education are determined. The insufficient development of continuous education in Ukraine is emphasized. The role of knowledge-intensive information production is defined. Emphasis is placed on the special importance of ensuring economic security with high-quality personnel. Unfavorable trends in providing the national economic complex with highly qualified specialists are emphasized. The sectors of the economy that are currently most in need of specialists with higher education are determined. The role of higher education in economic development processes is emphasized and substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the creation of a multi-level system of military education in Ukraine based on NATO standards. The priority directions of the development of higher education, problem situations with forecasting the number of specialists and ways to ensure an effective educational process are provided. Conclusions regarding the studied material and prospective directions of research are offered.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, V., & Makliuk, O. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION AS A KEY TO THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE STATE. Economy and Society, (58).