Keywords: : the number of food producers, production volumes, export-import volumes according to UKT ZED


The paper studies the peculiarities of the formation of agrarian markets in the conditions of the functioning of the national economy of Ukraine. It has been established that the most important condition for the formation of the agricultural market is its structural elements, which are characterized by a variety of sales channels, forms of sales, intermediaries and buyers, as well as a developed network of service services, primarily information services of producers. It was found that the agricultural market is an extremely complex mechanism, which is formed from a number of segments of factors of individual purpose and in its environment develops a system of production and economic relations between structural elements that ensure the movement of goods from the producer to the consumer. It was established that Russia's military invasion of Ukraine led to the fact that world food security was at risk, as Ukraine plays a key role in ensuring this security. It was found that the production of various types of agricultural products has undergone changes during the last five years. It is found that there is a decrease in production of maize and wheat from 2021/22 to 2022/23, but production of maize increases in 2023/24. Maize stocks in 2021/22 were found to be 90.4%, indicating a high level of stocks compared to other years, however, this figure declined sharply to 46.4% in 2022/23 before recovering to 117, 0% in 2023/24, indicating a change in growing conditions due to mining and occupation of agricultural land by the Russian military. It was established that in 2023 the export of flour, wheat, barley, grain and legumes decreased, but there was an increase in the export of rye and corn. It was found that the total damage caused to the Ukrainian agricultural sector as of April 2023 amounted to 9 billion dollars or more than 26% of its physical assets. It was established that the number of enterprises decreased: in the field of crop production - from 40,600 to 28,000; specialized in the production of perennial crops from - 1.6 thousand to 1.1 thousand; in the field of animal husbandry - up to 2.6 thousand, while before the full-scale invasion of Russia there were 3.7 thousand; 616 remained with mixed agriculture, compared to a thousand firms that grew spinning crops; specialized in the cultivation of vegetables, melons, root crops and tubers - by 38.3%; in the field of viticulture - by 37.4%.


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How to Cite
Chervonyi, D. (2023). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETS UNDER THE FUNCTIONING CONDITIONS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-1