Keywords: geoinformation systems, methodical, training, non-core specialties


The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of using geographic information systems in the educational process within the framework of the training of applicants for non-core specialties. The advantages and disadvantages of using geographic information systems in the educational process are outlined. The article emphasizes the multidisciplinary properties of geographic information systems, which are revealed in the possibilities of applicants to conduct research activities within the framework of several educational courses. Modern geoinformation systems can be divided into commercial software complexes and Open Source software according to their functionality and licensing conditions. Despite the fact that geoinformation systems belong to a group, they have a wide set of tools, namely: software for converting a raster image into a vector format; raster image analysis tools; the main software core as a means of working with geodata. It is noted that educational disciplines based on geoinformation systems for non-core specialties should be structurally focused on: study of methods of obtaining and analyzing geographic information for the formation of geodatabases; collection of spatial information and its classification; construction of spatial models based on analyzed geodata; studying the basics of GIS mapping; analysis of functional capabilities of geoinformation systems. Attention is focused on the priority of consideration of areas of motivation for non-core specialties regarding the use of geo-information technologies in scientific activity. In this aspect, the issue of choosing the optimal software environment is relevant, which must meet two clear requirements: sufficient functionality for solving research tasks and an intuitive graphical interface. A comparative analysis of the possibilities of using popular geoinformation systems with open source code (QGIS, GRASS, SAGA) in the educational process was carried out. In terms of its functionality, the QGIS software complex can be considered the optimal software as a learning tool in the framework of the training of applicants for non-core specialties.


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Solohub, Y., Bezpala, O., & Kharchenko, O. (2023). METHODICAL ASPECTS OF TEACHING DISCIPLINES BASED ON GIS FOR NON-CORE SPECIALTIES. Economy and Society, (58).