The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of state management of human capital development in modern conditions. To achieve the goal, a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, deduction, logical and others were used. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the success of the restoration of human capital in Ukraine now depends on the proper state policy aimed at implementing, first of all, measures to restore the infrastructure and the social sphere in particular. Important directions of the recovery policy are: attraction of investments, development of infrastructure, provision of social protection and increased mobility of the population, modernization of scientific and educational spheres. Such components of human capital as: educational capital, health capital and cultural capital are highlighted. It is noted that the educational component of human capital affects: the employee's labor productivity, his competitiveness; personal and business traits of a person, forming economic thinking and a person's ability to search for new ways of obtaining profits; development of scientific and technical progress. The complex mechanism of state administration can consist of the following types of mechanisms: administrative, organizational, legal and economic. One of the main elements of the mechanism of state management of the formation of human capital is the presence of a strategy. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the management of the system of formation and use of human capital should be carried out by state authorities. State policy should ensure the solution of such basic tasks as: growth of gross domestic product and household incomes; improving the demographic situation and strengthening the health of the country's population; improving the quality of educational services and the quality of graduate training; improvement of the network of higher education institutions and the professional training system. It is noted that the processes of state management of the restoration of human capital in modern conditions should ensure: restoration of infrastructure based on the principles of Smart city development and «intelligent communities»; attraction of investment funds due to public-private partnership; stimulating the return of Ukrainians from abroad by restoring jobs and establishing a competitive wage level, etc.
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