This article examines the essence of revenue and the evolution of revenue theories. The directions of theoretical, methodological and applied studies of revenue management at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the economy are determined. It is justified that the understanding of modern concepts and theories of revenue allows us to reveal their multifunctional meaning. In the aspect of macroeconomic significance, a complex relationship between aggregate demand and aggregate supply is determined, in terms of types of economic activity, socio-economic development of regions. The process of revenue generation under adverse economic conditions is characterized, which is due to its perception as a driving force and motivational factor of social development. Taking into account the multi-vector value of revenue as a structural basis of the economy, its systemic features are revealed and characterized. The purpose of this article is to study of the essence and evolution of theories of revenue. Methodology of research. The work uses the method of generalization, with the help of which essence and general features of revenue are determined. To study the features of revenue the methods of analysis and synthesis was chosen. Findings. It was determined that the essence of revenue, which being complex in functional content, diverse in levels of formation and types, as an indicator of financial status and a source of development is under the influence of a complex of factors, the action of which is characterized by multi-speed dynamics. The problem of the development of the theory of income management a priori is a field of wide research interest. This interest is based on the epistemological tradition of understanding the processes of socio-economic transformations of social development. That is why the scientific request for a theoretical understanding of the factors that determine the development of new approaches to income management has a clear practical orientation. Originality. An updated scheme of evolution of income theories is proposed. The scheme provides classical and modern theories that are focused on the essence of the revenue, depending on their features. Practical value. We determined the economic essence of the category revenue, analyzed the main theoretical aspects, interrelationships and scientific views regarding the interpretation of the concepts of "economic activity" and "profit", as well as changes in these views at different stages of market transformation.
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