Keywords: theories of motivation, material and non-material stimulation, staff motivation, methods of motivation, motivation, modern company


The deep foundations of the personnel motivation system have been investigated in the article. Today, work motivation is considered one of the most important factors, the successful application of which can help solve complex social problems, as well as problems of enterprises and organizations. The purpose of the article is to research modern methods of motivating personnel at enterprises and determine their feasibility for implementation, as well as to highlight key elements of the enterprise’s personnel motivation system. In the process of research, the following methods of scientific knowledge have been used: abstraction, synthesis and analysis, system method, deductive method, systematization and theoretical generalization, as well as methods of collection, description and analysis of facts, and so on. An overview of approaches to motivating employees in a modern enterprise, namely: financial and non-material incentives, creating a comfortable working atmosphere, the possibility of professional growth and development, creating a team spirit and many, others has been conducted in the article. The combination of different methods of encouragement and their adaptation to the needs of the company and its employees is the most effective way to achieve high competitiveness and attractiveness for the most valuable specialists. Employee motivation is an important component of the company’s success and is reflected in the state of the country’s economy as a whole. The place of the motivation function in the management system has been substantiated, and the key elements of the personnel motivation system of a modern enterprise have been identified in the article. The most effective methods of motivating personnel in accordance with modern research in this field have been provided in the article. Modern and non-standard methods of personnel motivation, including motivation methods used by leading international companies, have been systematized in the article. Taking into account international experience in personnel motivation, recommendations for effective motivation of work by Ukrainian enterprises have been developed.


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How to Cite
Bondar, T., & Krasnonos, A. (2023). MODERN METHODS OF STAFF MOTIVATION. Economy and Society, (57).