Keywords: value propositions, service enterprises, institutions of joint action, co-evolution, single technological platform


The current state and prospects for the development of Ukraine's economy in the post-war period require significant changes in the structure of the national economy – for the development of those industries and spheres of economic activity that can ensure its competitiveness in the global division of labour. Among the promising spheres of economic activity is the sphere of service, the products of which can have value on international markets. The services of service companies are equally valuable in the domestic market. Service activity covers not only the sphere of consumer needs of an individual nature and social direction, but also the sphere of maintenance of technical means of an industrial nature (maintaining them in proper operational condition), the sphere of providing consulting highly professional services related to the conduct of economic activity, the sphere of education and health care, elimination of environmental pollution, operational leasing, intermediary and many others. This kind of service has a direct impact on economic processes, increasing the competitive capabilities of economic entities that are provided with relevant services. The work outlines the directions and conditions for the development of market opportunities of industrial entrepreneurial structures through the use and expansion of the functionality of innovative creativity of service enterprises that form the infrastructure of innovative activity. To substantiate such opportunities in the context of transformational processes of the economy of Ukraine, the following was done: in the structure of the national economy, the functionality of various groups of service enterprises was distinguished, among which those that a) ensure the provision of individual services to the population and b) satisfy the needs of business entities in auxiliary services, which are necessary to perform the main processes of creating consumer values. Using the methods of economic and statistical analysis, those groups of service enterprises that show the highest performance per business entity have been identified, and assumptions have been made regarding the reasons for the structural imbalance in the development of the service sector by specific groups. It is argued that the destruction of a significant part of the production and export potential of Ukraine makes the task of reformatting the economy towards the development of high-tech enterprises that can form significant value propositions on the global market and create higher added value a strategically important task. The prospects for expanding the market opportunities of industrial enterprises in the context of the specified strategic goals for based on cooperation with high-tech service enterprises. It is argued that this can ensure their co-evolution, during which the competitive advantages of both participants will expand. The role of service infrastructure in the development of innovative and market potential of production enterprises on one technological platform is also shown.


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