Keywords: global challenges, green economy, self-preservation, ecological tourism, glamping


The purpose of the work is to study the current global challenges in the tourism industry and to identify opportunities for the development of ecological tourism as a promising direction for both the world and Ukrainian spheres of travel and tourism; the essence of camping and glamping as the newest concept in the hospitality industry; analysis of travelers' preferences and expectations regarding future trips; substantiating the prerequisites and factors for the development of glamping in the world and in Ukraine. In the course of the study, theoretical aspects were systematized and a theoretical model for the introduction of responsible tourism was proposed as a single concept for the development of the industry in the future, which is based on the law of self-preservation and is implemented on the principles of sustainability. Current trends, problematic aspects, advantages and disadvantages of the development of glamping as one of the directions of the development of ecological tourism in Ukraine and in the world are highlighted. It is an established law that the genesis of problems due to challenges of a global scale in regional ecological systems has a different character and nature, but the results are similar - the destruction or disruption of territorial management and territorial economic systems and major environmental problems that negatively affect the development of tourism. It has been analyzed that international travel remains complicated due to anxiety and unpredictability of the future, political instability, open wars, pandemics, and rising inflation in the world. It has been proven that the trend of growing desire for a healthy lifestyle in the world, prevention of diseases, stress reduction, fight against unhealthy habits, coronavirus crisis, showed that camping and, including, glamping are alternative types of domestic and sometimes international tourism. The article will be useful to everyone who is interested in the development of tourism during global challenges.


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How to Cite
Zavarika, H., Zelenko, O., & Shvetsova, O. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL TOURISM AGAINST GLOBAL SCALE CHALLENGES. Economy and Society, (57).