The article is devoted to the analysis and generalization of the philosophical content of the "tourism" category, the outline of the structure and functions of modern tourist activity, and the justification of its interrelationships with the concepts of the regional economy. The article's relevance is because modern tourism plays a significant role in the world economy and social development, being not only a source of income for many countries but also a stimulus for the local economy and the preservation of cultural heritage. The research used methods of analysis of literary sources, structural analysis, synthesis, and generalization. The philosophical content of the category "tourism" can be considered a deep understanding of travel and its impact on human life. Critical aspects such as the search for new experiences, understanding freedom and limitations, interaction with others and self-knowledge, sustainability and responsibility, reflection, and internal improvement are highlighted in this context. Adhering to the legally established definition of tourism in Ukraine, its types are distinguished by the purpose of the trip. Modern theories and concepts of the regional economy include the multiplier theory, economic and innovative development theories, sustainable development and clustering, and system and network approaches. Emphasize the importance of developing unique tourism products and services that reflect the region's specificity and also draw attention to the extent of sustainable and responsible tourism development that considers environmental, social, and cultural aspects. At the same time, tourism contributes to the convergence of regions and peoples, expanding economic and cultural ties at the international level. Modern theories also emphasize the role of innovation and new technologies in tourism development, which can increase the region's competitiveness. The main aspects of the impact of tourism on the regional economy are highlighted and structured. It was concluded that the essential aspects of tourism as an object of regional economy research are its systematicity, socialization, innovativeness, and safety. The practical significance of the results of the article lies in the clarification of approaches to the scientific analysis of tourism in the structure of the regional economy, which can be used in further research, in the formation of strategies for the regional development of tourism, as well as in the educational process of higher education institutions.
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