Keywords: cost, standards, hydrocarbons, methods, planning, field, wells


The article is devoted to the study of the calculation of costs for hydrocarbon production. There is no single calculation for determining the cost of oil and gas production, so the issues of cost planning, analysis, and control in the oil and gas industry remain relevant. There are five generally accepted methods of calculating the cost in the world: the order system, the processing system, the method of the total cost, the method of variable costs, flexible planning of overhead costs. And there are a huge number of options for combining them. All of these systems are correct, although they give different percentages of price. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to investigate the effectiveness of the current methods of planning the cost of hydrocarbon production at domestic enterprises and make an informed decision about the feasibility of their use. Methods of cost calculations in domestic and foreign practice are considered. Domestic enterprises plan costs using the regulatory method. The amount of costs is determined on the basis of state and industry standards for the use of fuel, electricity, materials, norms, and rates of wages, standards for costs of management, and maintenance of production. All standards are divided into those that depend on the level of production and those that depend on the number of wells. The first group is calculated by summing all the costs of the enterprise and dividing them by the volume of gas production of the enterprise, the next – by dividing by the total number of wells operated by the enterprise. The analysis of the structure of standards is carried out and the efficiency of application of current methods of planning of expenses for extraction of hydrocarbons at the domestic enterprises is investigated. In particular, it was found that the largest share in the standards is occupied by fixed costs for the production of hydrocarbons, which are calculated based on the number of wells in the field. Thus, the current method of calculating the cost of hydrocarbon production does not reflect the reality of production costs from different fields, as it does not take into account the peculiarities of production from old and new fields, and therefore does not take into account the calibration of light and heavy hydrocarbons.


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How to Cite
Metoshop, I., Fedorovych, I., & Levytska, H. (2021). OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION EXPENDITURE PLANNING. Economy and Society, (26). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-26-10