• Natalia Nosan Cherkassy State Technological University
  • Victor Martinovich Cherkassy State Technological University
Keywords: entrepreneurship, self-financing, crowdfunding, venture financing, credit, alternative financing, small business


The article considers the statistical data of small business functioning in Ukraine. In particular, the number of Ukrainian small enterprises for the period of 2010–2017 has decreased. As a result, there were reduced the number of employees, budget revenues etc. There was determined that self-financing prevails at the financial support of small business development. The main obstacles in attracting bank lending were described. In particular, the main reasons that make bank lending less accessible for small businesses are: high interest rates, the need for possession of property as mortgage, the difficulties in issuing permits for obtaining the loan. As the actual structure of sources of financial resources attraction for small businesses has specific features and certain objective restrictions of using, there were proposed alternative forms of financing. There was characterized the main forms of financing of small business economic activity, namely: venture financing, peer-to-peer loans, crowdfunding, resources of international organizations and foundations. The advantages and disadvantages of its using by small entrepreneurs are determined. In particular, the advantages of a peer-to-peer loan are: low interest rates; minimum amount of required documents for funding; ease of receipt due to remote online technologies; speed of decision making; minimum risk level. The disadvantage is the limited availability due to the size of the borrower’s resources. The advantages of venture financing are: funding on a non-refundable basis, without requiring mortgage; no need to withdraw during the contract period. The advantages of crowdfunding using are: attraction of resources at the initial (start) stage of business operation; lack of requirements for the availability of mortgaged property; the opportunity to receive advisory assistance. Disadvantages of the international funds and organizations resources using are: highly formalized requirements; limited availability due to the priority working area for funds and organizations. There were compared alternative forms of financing with traditional bank lending.


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How to Cite
Nosan, N., & Martinovich, V. (2020). ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF SMALL BUSINESS FINANCING: PROSPECTS OF USING IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (21). Retrieved from