Keywords: digitalisation, economic development of ІТ-education, digital technologies, digitalisation of education, intellectualisation, innovation, quality of education


The article is devoted to the scientific issues of development of the educational space in the context of digitalisation, innovation, security challenges and geopolitical transformations. The article identifies specific theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the introduction of digital innovations in the educational space, which govern innovation processes in the educational system. The importance of controlling the processes of digitalisation of the educational environment to avoid violation of the basic target principles of pedagogical sciences is emphasised. The processes of diffusion of innovative technologies for the digitalisation of education are intensifying under the influence of globalisation, structural transformations in geopolitical relations, the distribution of capital and resources, and the growing role of intelligence in the formation of added value and the potential for economic development. The methodological basis of the study is a set of scientific and pedagogical methods used to formalise the directions of implementation of digital tools on the basis of the innovative development theory. The results of the study indicate a tendency to increase the role of digital components in modern education and a significant increase in digital influence on the prospects for the development of the sphere. In particular, there is an increase in demand for IT professionals, as well as the established determinants of the digitalisation of the educational space. As a promising area of research, the author identifies the need to develop effective tools and mechanisms for regulating the balance between traditional and innovative aspects in education strategies. The author outlines the main areas of implementation of digital technologies in the following areas of educational services: telecommunication technologies, adaptive technologies, implementation of interactive lessons, development of digital skills, use of virtual and augmented reality, data collection and analysis, use of platforms for collaboration, digitalisation of educational process management.


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