Іn the article, the concept of "social subsystem of economic security of the city" is analyzed, which remains insufficiently explored despite its relevance, especially in the context of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The author points out the complexity and insufficient attention to this concept, as initial economic disruptions and later the onset of full-scale invasion caused radical changes in the indicators of the social component of the economic security of the city. The research highlights various approaches and discrepancies in defining and interpreting the concept of the "social subsystem of economic security of the city." It also notes the difficulty and incompleteness of quantitative measurement of social aspects, particularly due to their qualitative nature. The interaction of the social subsystem with other systems, such as economic, ecological, and political, adds complexity to this study, and defining the boundaries and scope of the social subsystem remains a challenging task for Ukrainian society, authorities, and researchers. The author emphasizes the relevance of further research into the economic essence of the social subsystem of economic security of the city, aimed at addressing new, previously unseen social problems and enhancing the level of economic security of the city in the conditions of the importance of preserving stability and further development. It is noted that the analysis of the social subsystem within the framework of the economic security of the city is a key aspect for understanding the relationship between social processes and the economic situation of the urban population. Considering contemporary challenges, including full-scale invasion and social transformations, the study of this concept allows identifying factors influencing social stability and economic dynamics in the city. More over, in various scientific studies, diverse approaches to defining and analyzing the social subsystem of economic security of the city exist, providing a foundation for further research and the formulation of practical recommendations. The need for a comprehensive approach to this issue is highlighted, aiming to ensure sustainable economic development and social well-being in the urban environment.
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