Keywords: event management, territories recovery, regional development management, community, city, event, communications


The article is devoted to the study of theoretical foundations and substantiation of practical possibilities at applying event management tools as an effective element of territorial restoration management system. Specialized events development and implementation is seen as powerful tool to create a positive image after tragic incidents, contributing to restoration of psychological climate among community's population, which was forced to relocate and is now considering returning to its place of previous residence. Events can be used to disseminate information about recovery process, safety measures, and prevention of future risks to regional development, and allow managers and organizers to establish direct communication with local population to address needs and expectations, which can improve effectiveness of recovery and stimulate positive change. To achieve research results method of generalization, statistical, graphical, grouping, theoretical analysis and systematization was applied. The features of strategic planning for territories restoration because of unpredictable factors are investigated. Priority steps that should constitute content of a comprehensive plan for the restoration of territories are determined. Potential of using event management tools in the context of territorial restoration revealed. Possibilities of applying controlled cultural events are substantiated, political, economic, social, and behavioral components of increasing the attractiveness of territories in the context of their use are formulated. Directions to apply events as components of post-war reconstruction initiatives are determined. Despite the crisis of event industry as a result of war, it is reasonable to lay basic principles of its usenowadays. Practical significance of the study is to deepen theoretical foundations of applying event management as a component of a strategic plan for territorial restoration, as well as to provide practical recommendations for justifying its inclusion in these plans to complement existing initiatives for post-war territorial restoration.


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