Keywords: international investment, global economy, economic growth, globalization, cross-border investments


International investment is a pivotal driver of the global economy, exerting far-reaching impacts on economic growth, technological progress, job creation, and the overall development of nations. This academic exploration delves into the crucial role played by international investment in shaping the dynamics of the global economy, utilizing globalization as the contextual backdrop. The primary research objective is to elucidate the significance and impact of cross-border investments on the interconnected world. Methodologically, a comprehensive approach is employed to systematically analyze the multifaceted aspects of international investment. The study rigorously investigates patterns, trends, and contributing factors that influence the flow of capital across borders. Key determinants, including government policies, market conditions, and geopolitical considerations, are meticulously examined to provide a nuanced understanding of the international investment landscape. The results of the study unveil insightful perspectives on how international investments function as catalysts for economic growth, foster innovation, and wield significant influence over global market trends. The intricate interplay between investors and governments on the international stage is subjected to thorough scrutiny, offering a holistic view of the complex relationships that underpin the global economic system. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, understanding the multifaceted role of international investment becomes imperative for fostering sustainable economic development and ensuring resilience. The research underscores that international investment is not merely a financial transaction; it is a potent force that shapes the destiny of nations and the global community. In conclusion, this article accentuates the indispensable role that international investment plays in shaping the modern global economy. By unraveling the intricate factors influencing cross-border capital flows, the research provides valuable insights contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the forces propelling economic interconnectedness on a global scale.


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How to Cite
Ohinok, S., & Kokhana, S. (2023). THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (57).