The global changes inherent in the economic processes of recent years necessitate the formation of modern approaches to increasing the competitiveness of the potential of industrial enterprises. Its assessment becomes relevant taking into account the impact of key performance indicators in order to ensure further sustainable development of manufacturing enterprises in a constantly changing market environment. The objectives of the article are the scientific substantiation of the theoretical and methodological basis and methodological approach to the integrated assessment of the competitive potential of the production enterprise, as well as the development of practical recommendations based on the findings in this area. The advantages and disadvantages of the main methods of assessing the competitiveness of enterprises are considered. It is substantiated that in the formation of methods for assessing the competitiveness of the potential of industrial enterprises it is advisable to use methods that can have wide practical application, namely: expert methods, rating comparative analysis, simulation, factor analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, and integrated method. The author's approach to the assessment of the competitive potential of a manufacturing enterprise is proposed, which consists in an integrated assessment of six elements (production, labor, financial, innovation, marketing and management) that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the potential. A method of calculating the competitiveness of the potential of the business entity based on the method of ranking factors using expert assessments, which is based on a system of assessment indicators and takes into account the impact of each of the components. According to the presented approach, the competitive potential of an industrial enterprise is proposed to be defined as the sum of local potentials, taking into account the share of each of them in the overall structure of the total competitive potential. The practical application of this technique allows you to: analyze the current state and trends in the development of the business entity; identify the problems facing the company; develop management decisions aimed at increasing competitiveness; compare the competitive positions of enterprises with each other; to form conclusions about the available competitive potential of the production enterprise.
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