This article examines the features and advantages of using benchmarking as a strategic tool for supply chain management in modern companies. During the theoretical research of the material, the essence of this method was determined. It consists in conducting an analysis and comparing the efficiency of the business processes of a particular enterprise with the best practices in the industry in order to identify opportunities for improving its activities. Researches have shown that, due to its universality, benchmarking has become important in the development of various fields, among which logistics occupies a special place. On the example of Japanese and American companies, was clearly demonstrated the successful implementation of benchmarking programs in supply chain management, which had a positive impact on their business development. In the process of the research, it became clear that with the help of this tool, logistics managers form an idea of the level of productivity of chain key links, and an understanding of what the basic level of the organization's work efficiency is today. In order to describe the possibilities of practical application of logistics benchmarking at domestic enterprises, were considered basic principles of its implementation. The expediency of combining qualitative and quantitative types of analysis to obtain the maximum effect at different levels of research is substantiated. Taking into account the peculiarities of the benchmarking methodology, a scheme for its use in supply chain management is proposed, which allows measuring the impact of each improvement made and looking deeper into traditional supply chain processes. Based on the practical advice of the world's leading corporations, was formed a list of basic recommendations for the effective use of comparative analysis. With its help, any enterprise will be able to obtain the most desired result, which will become the basis for the development of new projects to improve its logistics activities. The practical value of this article lies in substantiating the importance of using benchmarking as a tool for improving supply chain management in today's unpredictable conditions in order to increase the efficiency, profitability and competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises.
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