Keywords: management of financial resources, management methods, financial resources, financial management, management


The research examines the essence and classification of the company's financial resources and specifies their importance in the development of the company. The role of financial resources management as one of the main factors in the development and economic growth of the enterprise is substantiated. The author's thorough analysis of the theoretical foundations of financial resource management processes has enabled the formulation of a generalized vision of the researched problem. Effective management of the enterprise and its competitiveness is impossible without quality management of financial resources, accordingly, the financial resources management system is analyzed as a part of effective management of the enterprise. To restore the country's economy or support it, it is necessary to provide economic entities with available resources, especially financial ones. The financial resources of the enterprise are the object of the financial management system and play a significant role in the development of the enterprise and in maximizing its profit. Accordingly, the relevance of the researched topic is that today enterprises are faced with the task of finding ways to find financial resources and the effectiveness of their management. In general, a comprehensive approach to solving this issue made it possible to develop a scheme for managing the company's financial resources, aimed at the effective accumulation and redistribution of financial resources and not only contributes to maximizing profits and increasing its investment attractiveness, but also ensures the stability of the company's financial condition from the standpoint of liquidity and stability. Moreover, in modern ones conditions, becomes extremely important perfection of the system of management of financial resources of the enterprise that will be to ensure its adaptation to a rapidly changing business environment. This can be achieved only with the help of clear regulation of everyone's actions structural elements of the system of management of financial resources of the enterprise at each at the stage of the management decision-making process.


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