Keywords: resource conservation, enterprise resource conservation management, innovative tools, motivational tools, resource use, activity efficiency


The article is devoted to consideration of important aspects of resource conservation management at enterprises of the agrarian sector. It was determined that resource conservation is, first of all, an approach to management that involves the reasonable use of all enterprise resources, accompanied by the use of effective resource-saving technologies and the adoption of optimal management decisions in this direction. It is noted that the conservation of resources helps to reduce the negative impact of economic activity on the environment, contributing to ecological sustainability and preservation of biodiversity. It is noted that the conservation of resources and the use of energy-efficient technologies become an important factor in the context of the growth of the world demand for energy and solving the problems of climate change. The basic problems faced by enterprises of this industry are identified, paying special attention to internal and external factors affecting resource conservation. The importance of factors for resource conservation management of the enterprise is emphasized, as it allows to adapt strategies to a specific context. Attention is focused on external and internal factors influencing resource conservation of the business entity, since internal factors, such as technological capabilities and corporate culture, determine internal capabilities and limitations, and external factors, such as legislation and economic trends, affect strategic planning and management decision-making. Particular attention is paid to the role of innovative and motivational tools that are key to maintaining and strengthening effective resource management practices. Emphasis is placed on the effective interaction of these tools and their impact on achieving high standards of resource conservation at agricultural enterprises. It is noted that this approach allows determining optimal strategies for increasing the efficiency of resource management in the context of agribusiness. It is emphasized that the effective management of resource conservation at the enterprise is a complex system that includes strategic planning, technological innovations, corporate culture and management practices.


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