The article examines the specifics of the effectiveness of economic-mathematical modeling in the context of optimizing business processes of modern enterprises. Various aspects and dimensions of modeling are considered and its potential for improving decision-making strategies and optimizing resource use is analyzed. The theoretical foundations of economic-mathematical modeling and its key dimensions, such as forecasting, risk analysis and resource optimization, are defined. Approaches to the practical application of economic models in increasing the efficiency of business processes are proposed. Contemporary challenges and prospects regarding the implementation of economic and mathematical models in the modern business environment are considered, taking into account the specifics of scientific and technical progress and the significant growth of data flows that are subject to analytical processing. Recommendations on the optimal use of economic and mathematical modeling to achieve competitive advantages and sustainable development of enterprises are offered. The importance of the integration of economic and mathematical models in strategic management to ensure the successful achievement of the development goals of the economic entity is proven. It was determined that in the modern business environment, competition and its dynamic changes require enterprises to constantly improve their activities and optimize business processes. In this context, economic-mathematical modeling is defined as a powerful tool for analyzing and optimizing various aspects of the functioning of a business entity. The advantages and limitations of the economic-mathematical approach to the optimization of business processes are considered, in particular, in the context of dynamic changes in the market environment under conditions of uncertainty. Factors that affect the accuracy and reliability of models, such as market dynamics, functional changes in consumer demand and the growth of financial risks, are identified. The objective need of enterprises to attract specialists from various fields, including economists, mathematicians and IT specialists, for the successful implementation and use of economic and mathematical models in business processes has been proven. The need to ensure constant monitoring and adaptation of models to changes in the business environment is determined.
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