The article is devoted to topical issues of ensuring food security in Ukraine under the conditions of russia's military aggression. The level of milk consumption in the country was analyzed and it was established that it is below the norms of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which is associated with a significant decrease in milk production. The dynamics of milk production was studied and its significant decrease in agricultural enterprises was established. Milk production in households was analyzed and it was determined that the tendency of milk production to decrease is lower than in enterprises. It has been analyzed that due to disproportions in the reduction of milk production, the main producer of dairy products is households. Regional features of milk production are determined. It was established that a significant loss in milk production was observed in 2014 with the beginning of russian aggression in three regions of Ukraine. With the start of a full-scale war in 2022, there were losses of livestock and milk production in the occupied territories. The regions of Ukraine that are the largest producers of milk have been established. The most studied milk was produced in the Khmelnytskyi, Poltava, and Vinnytsia regions, 25.3% of milk in Ukraine. It is in these regions that the largest number of cows is concentrated, an average of 105.8 thousand cows per region. The dependence of the productivity of cows on their share in agricultural enterprises was studied. Only a partial dependence between these indicators was established. This refutes the statement that the most efficient production of milk is in large enterprises. It was concluded that the main reason for the decrease in milk production is a significant decrease in the number of cows. Since there is an increase in milk productivity of cows in all categories of farms. It is outlined that in order to ensure Ukraine's food security, it is necessary to increase the number of cows and restore dairy farming. An increase in the number of cows is possible at the expense of state support for the development of dairy farming in households. And interest-free lending and tax benefits to agricultural enterprises engaged in dairy cattle breeding.
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