Keywords: agrarian business, inclusive agribusiness, united territorial communities, districts, regulatory system of inclusive sectoral and socio-spatial development, decentralization reform, Ukraine


The study is devoted to the justification of the key role of agrarian business as a catalyst of inclusive sectoral and socio-spatial development of UTC and districts of Ukraine, in the system of regulatory influence of state and self-governing institutions. The achievement of the set goal was facilitated by the implementation of the formulated tasks, namely: regarding the definition of the essence and social purpose of agrarian business, the complementarity of the regulatory influence of state and self-governing institutions on the creation of inclusive environment within the UTC and districts, of the priority of the agrarian sectoral and rural socio-spatial orientation of the inclusive development of these social-spatial formations. In the process of realizing the goal and tasks, the theoretical and methodological developments on the researched problem of the representatives of the foreign and domestic scientific community were creatively used. The analysis of the available literary sources proved the insufficiency of scientific works in which the specified topic would be covered taking into account the need to combine territorial and sectoral approaches to reveal the place of agrarian business in the regulatory system of inclusive development of UTC and districts of Ukraine. In order to find out the current state of the object of research, a significant array of statistical and reference information was analyzed the quantitative and qualitative composition of all UTC and districts across the regions of Ukraine, of regulatory and legal acts related to the decentralization reform and materials from the Internet were used. It has been proven that the prerequisite for creating an inclusive environment within the spatial boundaries of UTC and districts with the active participation of agrarian business is the institutional, financial, economic, and socio-political consequences of the decentralization It was determined that the regulatory influence on the inclusive development of UTC and districts should be understood as of a system of good governance that provides that satisfies the interests of business, society and the state. At the same time, business strives for profitability, society ‒ employment of the population and improvement of its quality of life, state ‒ overcoming socio-economic disparities in territorial and sectoral development. Based on the results of the research, conclusions were drawn and prospects for further scientific research in the specified direction were outlined.


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