The article examines the importance of the development of medical tourism in the context of the globalization of the health care system, as well as in the context of its impact on the economy and the health of patients. The authors emphasize the need to develop complex approaches for administrative regions, in order to take into account various tools at each stage of the development of this market. Special attention is paid to the internationalization of health care, which includes the growth of consumption of medical services by citizens outside their countries, which is defined as medical tourism within the framework of global migration processes. The importance of research on the development of the inbound medical tourism industry at the global level is considered, as it contributes to increasing the reputation of national health care systems and attracting additional investment. The authors determine that medical tourism is gaining importance as a direction in international tourism, which affects the growth of its significance in the field of health care and the economy of countries. The purpose of the study is to study the role of medical tourism in health care programs, as well as to evaluate its impact on the economy and the health of patients. The tasks of the research include the analysis of the main directions and methods of medical tourism, the determination of the impact of health care programs on the economy, and the development of recommendations for their improvement. The article reveals that medical tourism underwent a significant transformation in the first two decades of the 21st century, in particular, due to an increase in the range of services and the use of innovative medical technologies. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a temporary decrease in the activity of this sector, but its further growth is predicted. The authors point to the importance of developing cluster models for the export of medical services and providing feedback on the quality of medical services, as well as the need for international exchange of experience and the integration of advanced medical practices for the effective development of medical tourism.
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