The article explores the role of branding in consumer decision-making, how various elements of branding, including brand identity, advertising, symbolism, and emotional connections, influence consumer preferences and behavior. The role of consumer perception in the branding process is revealed, analyzing this psychological process from the standpoint of its influence on the consumer's market choice and the formation of brand perceptions. The study analyzes key factors that shape consumer perceptions of a brand, including brand identity, advertising strategies, emotional associations and product symbolism. The authors point out that perception includes thinking, experience, feelings and emotions, and emphasize the importance of the consumer's awareness of the social value of the object of perception through the reflection of social reality and its ability to reflect the consumer's social status and maintain social prestige. The article also highlights that for effective brand creation and promotion, it is important to consider both the producer's position and the consumer's perspective. Particular attention is paid to modern trends in branding, including personalization, product compliance with consumer expectations, and the use of digital technologies to improve communication with customers. The authors also draw attention to the different strategies that companies use to attract and retain customers, given changes in consumer patterns and preferences. The authors consider various aspects of branding, including the creation of an attractive image of a company or products that meets the expectations and demands of a target audience, as well as the importance of advertising, emotions, and endowing products with symbolism. Considerable attention is paid to consideration of four key factors of brand influence: functional, mental, spiritual and social. The authors reveal how these factors shape consumer perceptions, influencing their purchasing decisions. This study provides an in-depth analysis of how branding can influence consumer behavior and is useful for marketers, brand managers, and academic researchers interested in consumer behavior and branding strategies.
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