Keywords: digitization, automation, management of organizations, digital intensity, digital transformation of organizations


At the current stage, the issues of digitalization of economic processes and the penetration of information technologies into all spheres of activity, in particular in the management of organizations, are very relevant. The transition of organizations to digital technologies will allow them to solve any complex tasks more efficiently and in a timely manner in the future. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of managing organizations in the conditions of digitalization. Emphasis is placed on the automation of production and management processes as a prerequisite for digitalization. The trend of growth of the basic level of digital intensity has been studied. The following areas of digital transformation of organization management are highlighted: digitalization of business processes; data-based management; customer experience management; management of the value of goods and services; management of digital culture and competencies; innovation management. Areas and directions of state policy regarding support for the digital transformation of organizations and increasing the efficiency of their management are given. Among the areas highlighted are: improvement of the framework conditions for the digital economy; increasing the level of skills of the population to achieve successful digital transformation of business entities and society; acceleration of digital transformation of organizations. The main results of the digital transformation of business entities are increasing profits, reducing costs, increasing competitiveness, increasing the ability to adapt to changing conditions, etc. At the same time, competently organized work on the implementation of digitalization will allow to achieve results in several directions at the same time. The effectiveness of the application of this system will largely depend on the consistency of strategic processes and the competencies of employees. the pace of digitization directly depends on the quality of training of specialists capable of developing and implementing a digital transformation strategy in organizations that have appropriate competencies in the field of digital technologies.


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How to Cite
Netudyhata, K. (2023). DIGITALIZATION OF ORGANIZATIONS’ MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (56).