Network retail is one of the key sectors of the international economy that guarantees financial revenues to budgets of all levels and provides jobs for hundreds of thousands of people. It is a stable economy that guarantees the country's security, so retail, despite the losses and difficult situation, continues to operate, open new outlets and restore destroyed ones, and support Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to summarize the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of information support for approaches to substantiating current trends in the development of Ukrainian network retail and ways of its transformation in the context of global crises and war. The study presented in the article is based on the hypothesis that there is an inevitable need for adequate adaptation of the domestic network retail to the conditions of war and changes in sales formats in the retail sector. To this end, the article uses the methods of comparative analysis and logical generalization to identify the competitive advantages of domestic online retail. Based on our research of the Ukrainian retail market since the beginning of the full-scale war, we have concluded that compared to pre-war 2021, retailers have reduced their revenue by almost UAH 300 billion, but remain critical to the functioning of the country's economy. However, even in extremely difficult conditions, retailers continue to provide all the necessary services and fulfill their mission: to provide consumers with everything they need. Globally, retailers continue to invest in artificial intelligence and other tools to increase sales and meet consumer demands. Ukrainian retailers have undergone a transformation of retailing based on technological innovations. The long-term consequences of the war for the development and functioning of Ukrainian retail have been studied, so it has been determined what challenges and threats are possible for Ukrainian retail from the beginning of a full-scale war: problems with the supply of goods, lack of funds, disruption of logistics routes, shelling, long-term alarms, loss of personnel, fuel shortages, energy crisis. The author proves and substantiates the need to develop modern trends in the development of network retail, taking into account the peculiarities of its functioning in the context of global crises and war.
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