Keywords: digital communications, social networks, internet platforms, online


This article is devoted to the topical issue of digital communications development in Ukraine in the conditions of the emergence of social networks. The main factors that became the driving force in the changes in the digital environment and the reasons for the rapid growth of social media are analyzed and systematized. Specific regional aspects in communications are investigated in comparison with the global context. We drew attention to the problems of copyright in Ukraine, especially in social networks. In Ukraine, there are many websites with illegal content. Among the key web platforms for the spread of pirated music and videos are Russian social networks. The growing popularity of social media was accompanied by an increase in the total number of Internet users in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on changes in approaches to digital communication, driven by social networks. The emergence of social networks also coincided with the implementation of new technical standards, especially in web technologies, which opened up new technical possibilities. Social networks have been actively implementing the latest technological advances. Over time, the rapid development of social media has led to these tools getting into the hands of corporations. In the case of Ukraine, control over key digital communication channels gained by Russian corporations will lead to serious risks for national security during the war conflict that began in 2014. Social media is leading the movement against anonymity on the Internet. With the advent of the popularity of social networks, users publicly disclosing personal data is becoming the social norm. Practice shows that the "life cycle" of digital platforms relevant to Ukraine can be quite short. Platforms are coming, gaining popularity, declining, and then new ones gain in popularity. Some communication channels may be supplanted by others. Factors of change can be competition in the market, the emergence of new technologies and ideas, changes in the political situation, etc. The example in recent years shows that political decisions, such as sanctions and blockades, can significantly change the balance of power in the market of digital communications in a very short period. The findings illustrate the need for a critical approach to digital platforms in the long-term planning of digital communications for business and organizations.


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