Keywords: state regulation, , agrarian entrepreneurship, state administration, institutions, management functions


The article outlines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship, reveals the theoretical and methodological content and characterizes the organizational and economic aspects of the state and market regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship as an institutional socio-economic system. Regulation is considered as a complex economic category, the complexity of which is due to the need to combine regulatory actions of different economic nature and take into account mutual influence when developing any regulatory measures, which determines the approach to regulation as a combination of two processes: automatic market regulation and purposeful regulation, as one of the functions of state management, aimed at maintaining the parameters of the economic system in accordance with the requirements of the subjects of management. It was determined that the state influence on the economy is an integral component of ensuring the efficiency of the market and entrepreneurship, especially in conditions of uncertainty and riskiness of the business environment. This influence is institutional in nature. It is proved that institutions and mechanisms of market regulation (self-regulation) should be considered as a system of interdependent formations that form the institutional structure of state and market influences on the behavior of economic agents. An approach to the implementation of the management-regulation process along two contours is proposed. At the highest level, the ministry carries out strategic management of the system as a whole, which includes: the formation of goals, the establishment of responsibilities and powers (in fact, the elements of the organization) and a critical analysis of the actual management system. Direct regulation is delegated to the level of the "owner of the process" - the relevant agency, where the following issues are resolved: comparison of the achieved results with the planned criteria; analysis of deviations and decision-making on corrective and preventive measures; implementation of changes. That is, in fact, the issues of planning and organization are brought to a higher strategic level, the issue of regulating the activity of the management object - to a lower (operational) level. The principal scheme of regulation in the socio-economic system, which corresponds to the best European practices, is proposed.


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