Keywords: marketing, marketing model, marketing strategy, market segmentation, product positioning, competitors, target audience


The theoretical foundations of the enterprise's marketing activity are exposed in the article. The main problems related to marketing activity and its planning are identified, namely: fierce competition, inefficiency of management, lack of highly qualified marketing staff, instability of the external environment, changes in market conditions. The main functions of marketing management at the enterprise are substantiated: marketing planning; marketing organization; motivational component of marketing and control of marketing activities at the enterprise. Based on this, a model of marketing activity was presented, which includes organizational, functional and information support. Organizational support involves product development, pricing, product promotion and sales; functionality is related to the main marketing functions analysis, planning, organization, control, as well as innovation, demand formation and sales promotion, assortment formation, pricing policy, sales of goods and their after-sales service; market research includes analysis of competitors, analysis of the external environment, consumer behavior, market; management of marketing activities includes the development of a marketing strategy, the creation of a marketing service and a marketing information system. The concept of marketing strategy was defined as a component of the general strategy of the enterprise, which includes a sequence of actions to achieve the maximization of sales and profit in the long term, the achievement of the maximum level of consumer loyalty and its tasks. The stages of marketing strategy development are proposed and detailed, including market analysis, target audience definition and market segmentation, competitor analysis, goal setting, product positioning and unique selling proposition, as well as assessment and planning of the financial component of marketing. To effectively develop a marketing strategy, it is possible to research all segments of the target audience and describe the marketing mix − product, price, distribution, promotion. In addition, it is necessary to involve the organization's internal resources, process and personnel as much as possible.


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How to Cite
Kuzmynchuk, N., Pysarevska, H., & Liashenko, V. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MARKETING STRATEGY AS AN ELEMENT OF THE MARKETING ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (56).