Keywords: geozone marketing, project approach, strategy, tool, location


геозонний маркетингThe article is devoted to the issues of considering the project approach in the implementation of geozonе marketing as a promising way to solve the problems of strategic marketing. In today's world, geozonе marketing is an extremely relevant and important tool for businesses from various industries. Differences in geographic factors and the growing use of technology create a need for effective marketing strategies that take into account the location of customers and consumers. The purpose of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of implementing geozonе marketing based on the use of a project approach to promoting goods and services. The paper uses the method of analysis and synthesis (to determine the scope of geozone marketing), a system approach to reveal the key relationships of geozone marketing with elements of targeted design. It is proved that the essence of the project approach to the implementation of geozone marketing is its focus on the creation and implementation of targeted projects to achieve maximum impact on the target audience in specific geographic locations. The article separately reveals the interrelationships of geozonal marketing with the elements of targeted design, which are indirectly implemented through the creation of a project plan, the use of geotargeting and geofencing technologies, the implementation of interactive projects, the development of the latest technologies and innovations, the creation of a specific geo-tag, the activation of mechanisms for collecting and analyzing data on the impact of the campaign on the target audience, and the establishment of feedback. The author analyzes the main global trends in the development of digital marketing and suggests areas of application of geozonе marketing in certain areas, taking into account the trends considered. The practical significance of the study is in the possibility of applying the identified areas of application of geozone marketing in the design and implementation of strategies for promoting goods and services by Ukrainian companies.


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How to Cite
Dedilova, T., KyrchataІ., & Sohomonian, A. (2023). A PROJECT APPROACH TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GEOZONE MARKETING. Economy and Society, (56). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-104