The article examines the peculiarities of improving the strategic directions of interaction between business, non-governmental organizations and the state in times of dynamic changes. The main advantages of cooperation between business, non-governmental organizations and public authorities and the main challenges of today that arise in such interaction have been identified. The most common stages (partnership vision, creating a partnership, strengthening relationships between partners, partnership plan, monitoring partnership resources, launching a project, measuring project results, working together, evaluating a partnership and reviewing assumptions, institutionalizing a partnership, managing future processes) and forms of effective partnership within the framework of «business – non-governmental organizations – public authorities» have been identified. The most common form of cooperation between business, non-governmental organization, and the state are sponsorship, i.e. the provision of funds by companies and the public authorities for activities in exchange for the implementation of a social project and image-building. A conceptual vision of the interaction between business, civil society organizations and public authorities in times of dynamic change was proposed. Businesses, public organizations and public authorities have different resources and competencies that can be used to achieve common goals. Developing areas of cooperation between businesses, non-governmental organizations and public authorities is an important step to ensure effective solutions to social problems, improve the quality of life of the population and strengthen democratic institutions. Joint interaction between businesses, non-governmental organizations and government authorities can lead to many positive consequences: strengthening democratic institutions (development of civil society and increased trust between citizens and the government), improvement of the quality of life of citizens, more effective solutions of social problems (poverty, unemployment), creation of new jobs, improvement of education and healthcare, and improvement of the environment.
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