Keywords: communication process, internal communication, personnel, interaction, enterprise


комунікаційний процесThe article examines the essence of the category of communications at enterprises, in particular, the internal one, since the success of the activity of any business entity, any organization depends to a large extent on the process of internal communications and relationships, which allows forming this system as a single entity . For the sake of effective personnel management and, accordingly, for the enterprise itself, it is very important that communication processes are carried out clearly, quickly, correctly, while using a minimum of time. In today's business environment, where the speed of change and competitive pressure are an integral part of the daily activities of economic entities, effective internal communication becomes a key factor for achieving success and sustainability. Interaction between employees, management and all levels of the organization determines not only the atmosphere in the team, but also affects the strategic direction and performance of the company as a whole. Effective communication requires special knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, it is necessary to have trust in each other and a certain degree of mutual understanding, to rely on each other, and to act as a team. In this article, we will explore the general understanding of communication and the communication process. It examines an important aspect of organizational management and studies how high-quality internal communication affects the performance of enterprises. Various aspects of internal communications and elements of communication will also be explored. It is also worth noting the significant influence of internal communication processes on the efficiency of enterprises. We will emphasize the strategic importance of effective communication in the organization, the relationship with the corporate culture, as well as the general atmosphere that exists in the enterprise. The implementation of a highly effective system of internal communications becomes not only a practical necessity for the management, but also an important factor in the satisfaction and motivation of the staff. A detailed study of this dynamic topic allows us to identify optimal approaches to building effective internal communication systems that contribute to the achievement of business goals and sustainable development of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Nazarenko, S., & Matiushenko, N. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS ON THE EFFICIENCY OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (56).