Keywords: youth self-employment, business idea, business plan, grant, youth employment in times of war


The purpose of our study is to substantiate a business idea for obtaining a grant for self-employment of young people in wartime in Ukraine. The following tasks were set in the course of writing the article: to substantiate the business idea, conduct a SWOT analysis of competitors, research the target audience in the market, develop a marketing strategy, and calculate a forecast of financial results for the grant for the proposed sole proprietorship. The study is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of using business ideas as a tool for self-employment for young people under martial law. It is noted that entrepreneurship can be an important factor in economic recovery and social stability in conflict regions. The study identifies barriers and opportunities for youth in business during military conflict and develops recommendations for entrepreneurship development. In particular, a detailed description of the business idea of creating a school for preparing for the "I study" vocational training program is given as one of the possibilities of starting one's own business. To assess the success and feasibility of implementing this idea, a SWOT analysis was conducted, the market and competitors were researched, a marketing strategy was developed, and the financial results of the proposed enterprise were calculated. In order to receive grant funding of 250000 UAH, it is necessary to analyse the financial results. To create an enterprise "I study", here is a plan of income and expenses for the first three years of the business plan implementation period. Having analysed the results, we can say that in three years the company "I study" will reach a profit of 671896 UAH, which is a good result and confirms the feasibility of implementing this successful business idea. The provision of a grant for enterprise under the state support programme creates high funding and an internal business environment. Currently, there is a government lending programme with a simplified registration system through the Diia app that supports entrepreneurship. To enter the modern market, the IE has developed a project to receive grant funds under this social programme. The company "I study" provides high school students with interesting and affordable preparation for external examinations through group or individual classes in a friendly atmosphere. "I study" solves the problem of choosing high-quality tutors with a friendly attitude to students, offering highly qualified teachers and an effective curriculum. In addition, the company provides employees with opportunities for professional development, including training on the development of emotional intelligence and improvement of communication skills. This allows high school students to get quality and enjoyable preparation for important exams, thus ensuring their success.


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How to Cite
Svatiuk, O., & Biganska , V. (2023). ENTREPRENEURSHIP GRANT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE UNDER WAR. Economy and Society, (56). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-93