Keywords: reengineering, marketing activity, digital transformation, construction participants, developer, designer, contractor, construction cost, design cost, construction company, stakeholder, business processes, risks, threats, innovation, innovative activity, market, competitiveness


The article is devoted to topical issues of the theoretical and practical use of business process reengineering methodology in the activities of investment and construction process participants and other construction stakeholders. It was found that the key element of the reengineering of the marketing activities of the construction enterprise is economic diagnostics, the results of which allow construction participants to adapt to changing market conditions, use opportunities and ensure sustainability and competitiveness. Based on the analysis of the literature, the areas of economic diagnostics of business processes of construction enterprises were analyzed and systematized, among which the key ones are financial condition, cost structure, pricing, analysis of market development, its trends and consumer behavior, competitiveness, new opportunities for development and innovation. The method of analyzing the activities of construction participants in market conditions based on innovative approaches to the decomposition of business processes increases the accuracy of diagnostics and the relevance of marketing strategies, allowing to optimize the allocation of resources and increase the overall effectiveness of the campaign, as well as to carry out a fundamental restructuring of marketing (and not only) activities on the basis of process approach An example of the decomposition of the enterprise's business processes by levels is given - from the main, managing and supporting processes to specific marketing measures, such as market segmentation, description of the client's portrait, analysis of the target audience, selection of target groups of consumers, digital advertising and management of relationships with clients. Practical recommendations on the decomposition of business processes of a construction enterprise have been developed, a practical example of which is considered on the example of marketing activity, since it is a key factor of efficiency. It is recommended that construction enterprises begin the process of reengineering marketing activities with economic diagnostics, as this initial stage of reengineering the company's business processes appears as a strategic imperative for sustainable growth and success in a complex and changing market environment. Keywords: reengineering, marketing activity, digital transformation, construction participants, developer, designer, contractor, construction cost, design cost, construction company, stakeholder, business processes, risks, threats, innovation, innovative activity, market, competitiveness.


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