The article describes modern approaches and requirements for the development of the curriculum "Transport Management", which is taught at the Odessa National Maritime University. The study was conducted by interviewing potential employers and determining the required skills and competencies that graduates should receive during the training period, as well as the requirements of employers. The survey was conducted using the focus group discussion method. A focus group is an approach to discussing certain issues under the guidance of a moderator by a group of 6 to 12 people. This allows you to thoroughly assess the reaction of the target audience, which is formed according to pre - defined criteria. This approach is significantly different from fairly well-known group methods, such as brainstorming or the Delphi method. A key element in preparing a focus group is the scenario or discussion plan. All discussions take place under the guidance and personal control of the moderator. The discussion, which was held among the leading employees of well-known transport enterprises of the Odessa region, showed a variety of opinions regarding the requirements for graduates, but almost all participants focused on the ability of graduates to prepare specific documents that relate to the specifics of technological processes of transshipment in ports, teamwork and knowledge of a foreign language. The results of the discussion determined the list of requirements from employers for graduates and the need for a wider introduction of modern training methods and the latest technologies into the practice of training specialists. Discussions on training methods have shown that the modern training system requires a new approach, which should be reflected in the development of the Transport Management curriculum. During the group discussions, it was noted that the prepared Bachelor's degree program "Transport Management" provides an opportunity to apply innovative teaching methods, encourage higher education applicants to independently solve problems of theoretical and practical search for new ideas, evaluate innovations, identify general principles and patterns of integrated management of material, information, financial flows in supply chains, analyze various options for creating logistics systems and develop various logistics strategies.
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