Keywords: beekeeping, honey production, cost, profitability, risks, development


The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining the risks of beekeeping in Ukraine and the prospects for the development of this type of activity. In particular, it is presented that the development of beekeeping in the state is restrained by such risks as a decrease in the number of bee colonies, natural and climatic risks, treatment of crops with plant protection agents, price risks, an increase in production costs and a lack of profits. The obtained results are based on the analysis of statistical data that characterize the dynamics of honey production in Ukraine, the development of beekeeping in Ukraine in general, the average selling prices of honey in Ukraine, production costs per 1 kg of natural honey. Today, Ukrainian beekeeping is the sphere of economic activity that provides both employment for the population and allows you to start your own business in this type of agribusiness. The economic value of bees has been established, which consists in the fact that: 1) they pollinate many types of plants, due to which the yield of crops increases; 2) among the products of beekeeping, honey is a valuable dietary product, as well as wax, propolis, etc., which are widely used. It has been established that the majority of honey in Ukraine is produced by small and small producers. In the course of research, the tendency of recent years to decrease the number of bee colonies and at the same time to increase the productivity of bees has been revealed. It was revealed that a characteristic feature of the development of the beekeeping industry in Ukraine is the increase in the selling price of honey. The development of the beekeeping industry in Ukraine, taking into account its specificity, is also significantly influenced by natural and climatic conditions, the breed composition of bees, the presence of honey bees, their uniform and long flowering period, the personal qualities of the beekeeper, high competition. On the basis of the conducted research, possible prospects for the development of the beekeeping industry in Ukraine are outlined. The prospects of the industry, especially in the post-war period, are orientation towards a more stable domestic market and honey processing technologies, which will contribute to increasing the employment of the population and the development of small and small businesses in rural areas.


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How to Cite
Mirzoieva, T., & Ilkiv , L. (2023). RISKS AND PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BEEKEEPING IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (56). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-73