Keywords: small business entities, small enterprises, liquidity, financial stability, financial analysis


The article examines the current state of financial stability and liquidity of small enterprises in the conditions of the military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine. The purpose of the scientific research is to develop and substantiate the optimal ways of increasing the liquidity and financial stability of small enterprises that continue their business activities in the conditions of the financial crisis. The relevance of the research topic is due to the presence of special conditions for conducting business during the financial crisis, which was caused by the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine. With the help of analysis and evaluation of the basic indicators of financial reporting, the authors investigated the main indicators of financial stability and liquidity in order to develop effective ways to improve business activities and the financial condition of domestic small business entities in conditions of uncertainty, in particular, martial law. In the process of scientific research, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, grouping, etc. A critical analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to form the author's understanding of the concepts of "stability of the financial state" and "financial stability", their relationship with the liquidity of the enterprise. The synthesis of information from scientific sources and financial reporting made it possible to identify the problems of small business entities during martial law. The results of the scientific research foresee the possibility of summarizing the features of the activities of small enterprises in the conditions of war and the factors affecting the financial stability and liquidity of the enterprise, to develop specific measures, the implementation of which will make it possible to maintain the achieved level in the conditions of growing economic instability during the period of military operations, to increase liquidity, financial stability , the solvency of the company, and to work successfully during the period of post-war economic recovery of Ukraine.


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