At the time of systemic security challenges, it is necessary to constantly explore the directions of state regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship. The main goal and problem of this study is the substantiation of the concept of state regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture. The study of this problem will help the subjects of agrarian entrepreneurship to achieve success in the field of agriculture and to successfully conduct their activities on international markets. The article reveals the elements of influence on the formation of the concept of state regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship, which will include: legal regulation of entrepreneurship; partner network; scientific and technical development; business taxation system; operational model; organizational elements. The publication theoretically and methodically elaborates the concept of state regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship as a special mechanism for the formation of economic and social motivations of management. The institutional identification of the target characteristics of state regulation in the context of the formation of food security is revealed. Methodological positions for determining the institutional functionality of regulatory policy in the conditions of systemic security challenges have been characterized. The need to ensure targeted regulatory influence on the development of agrarian entrepreneurial activity to satisfy the economic and social interests of society members has been established and proven. A conceptual vision of the foundations of the formation of the concept of state regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship in conditions of systemic risks of socio-economic survival is offered. It has been proven that the concept of state regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship should ensure compliance with the necessary volumes of production of plant and animal products, their structure, formal and legal conditions and changes in the business strategy.
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