The article examines the place of human capital development in the system of resource provision of socio-economic development of the state, focusing on strategic issues of the post-war recovery of the economy of Ukraine and its most important region — Kyiv and the Kyiv region. The current documents of strategic development at the national and regional level were studied (on the example of Kyiv). It is shown how the task of human capital development is reflected in the system of forming strategic development goals as part of the Development Strategies of the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region. The article focuses on the strategic goals of education and health care. It is shown that the system of goals and objectives in the field of human capital formation covers activities in various spheres of social and economic life of the residents of the city and region, including: ensuring the availability and quality of health care services, quality education, social services, popularization of a healthy lifestyle, development of communal infrastructure, provision of civil and environmental safety. It is shown that in the strategic post-war period of restoration of the socio-economic development of Kyiv, there are many uncertainties, risks and weak points that create challenges for the authorities in the process of implementing state policy. According to the Recovery Goals, a number of interventions (tasks) necessary for the effective recovery of the city, which are of primary importance for achieving the goals of human capital development, are defined and grouped. It is concluded there is a lot of uncertainty, risks and weaknesses that create challenges to the authorities in the process of implementing public policy in the strategic post-war period of restoration of the socio-economic development of Kyiv. War and post-war conditions require rapid active government action to industrialize the economy, including on the basis of public-private partnerships in capital-intensive types of industrial activity. It is noted that it is necessary to further develop strategic planning at the state and regional levels by means of increasing the role of authorities in the post-war reconstruction of regions, decentralizing the state’s financial resources, continuing administrative reform towards strengthening the role of regions in modernizing the economy of Ukraine, developing the military-industrial complex, creating conditions for scientific -technical activities, including new weapons systems and country defense.
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